Eight Days Of Hope.


Eight Days of Hope (EDOH) was meant to be a one-time visit to the Gulf Coast with a handful of people after Hurricane Katrina. God has allowed this ministry to blossom into so much more! On several different occasions, thousands of volunteers have ministered to people’s needs after Hurricanes Katrina, Rita, Irene, Isaac, the floods in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Nashville, Tennessee, Black River South Carolina and the tornadoes in Northeast Mississippi and Northwest Alabama. Eight Days of Hope has one goal: Love and Serve those in need!

St. Mark's forms teams to serve with Eight Days of Hope on a regular basis.

  • Cedar Rapids Warehouse

    Opened in Fall 2020, the EDOH Midwest Satellite Location is located in southwest Cedar Rapids! It will serve a 9-state area here in the Midwest. This warehouse has space for equipment used for Rapid Response situations, as well as helps store materials for food and furniture distribution.

  • Rapid Response Teams

    The primary goal of Rapid Response teams is to show the love of Jesus Christ to disaster victims 48-72 hours after a disaster strikes anywhere in the contiguous 48 states. St. Mark's members have supported several different events and will be forming and sending teams as the need arises.

Get involved with EDOH.

What People Are Saying

“Serving with Eight Days of Hope gives an excellent opportunity for us to come out and serve as the hands and feet.”

“Knowing that Eight Days of Hope was here after the derecho and being familiar with the organization, I knew that they could put me to work and that I could do something to bless some people and to make a difference in their lives.”

“There’s people looking for things to do, they want to help but they don’t know how, but bring in the right equipment, the right skills, and the the right training that Rapid Response brings, now they are a part of it!”