Make An Impact

There are many opportunities for you to serve at St. Mark’s.

We can always use more volunteers! Pastor Paul and Jason filmed this special music video to say thank you to our current volunteers and to round up some new ones!


The Connections Cafe

If you enjoy meeting new people and working around food, we have a great serving opportunity for you. Serve donuts and coffee alongside your friends, small group, or family while greeting and getting to know others in your church family. Join the Connections Cafe team and help serve on Sunday mornings.

Family Ministry

If you love seeing young kids light up as they learn new things, help them learn about the greatest thing of all: God's love for them! Young kids' minds are like sponges, and we need some caring leaders who are willing to help them soak up Jesus' love for them in our Wednesday evening Children's Ministry. Email the Family Ministry Team with questions!

Hospitality Team

Join the team that helps to make St. Mark's a warm and welcoming place for all! Rotating teams serve for 4 weeks, 3 times a year. Roles include usher, greeter, information center host, or communion assistant.

Production Team (Tech/Livestream/Media)

Do you have a natural gift for computers, electronics, lighting, sound, or video equipment? Or maybe you just have a strong desire to learn, along with a passion to serve the body of Christ?

If you answered yes to either of these questions, you are invited to join us! Our Tech/Media Ministry exists to carry the Gospel of Jesus Christ to our visually-driven, ever-changing world through the use of technology and media, and to equip other ministries of the church to use digital and electronic media as a worship and outreach tool.

Interested in Serving?